
“Artisanal Surfaces - Industrial Strength"

RemingStone™ "Mineral" finish in Phantom gray

RemingStone cementitious floors and walls resemble a stone or natural material, with mystique. Modern and yet warm, the texture is elegantly handcrafted and engineered to fit your aesthetic.

Applied at 1/8”-1/4”, RemingStone is considered a microtopping. Substrates include concrete, sub-plywood, tile, drywall, backerboard and more.

In Addition to being ADA compliant, RemingStone Surfaces are waterproof, flexible/crack resistant and impervious to most chemicals. Perfect for any area and able to withstand freeze-thaw conditions and high traffic (vehicular or pedestrian).

RemingStone is named, in part, because of it’s quartz mineral composition, resulting in superior strength and durability over other cementitious overlays. (Finishes engineered by Remington Bernot owner of Architectural Outfitters LLC).

Remingstone fan deck colors

Working together we can custom blend our colors for your project, or pick one of our signature finishes.

Several tones can be combined to match the stone of your choice, or a sleek modern monochrome look can be achieved.

Concrete resurfacing colorado denver

Remodel without removal. In many instances demolition is completely unnecessary. RemingStone bonds to any solid surface such as tile, vinyl, wood and more. This saves time and cost as well as avoiding particulates in the surrounding environment from demolishing.